I had to change the GUI interface a little bit due to some serious complications I was having with some of my code. I also decided I really don’t want to try and mess with a graphical inventory system for my first game. The complexity of that would be extreme for my first time so I’ll stick to a text one.
As a result, the new GUI looks like this:
I’m fairly certain all of the GUI stuff is set. I also added the updater that I’ve used in three programs now so that the users can check for updates. It’s under help->Check for updates.
Now I need to work on actually writing the game and getting interactive objects/puzzles in there.
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You can find all the various versions there. Keep in mind that until I’ve made mention of it, none of these are “official” demos and are just works in progress. You may not be able to get far into the game, if anywhere. Download and run at your own risk.