Clarvoyant arrested for sending messages from beyond
(ANSA) – Asti, July 11 – Police here in northwestern Italy
have arrested a self-styled clairvoyant on charges of fraud
for allegedly sending SMS text messages to a client`s
cellphone and telling her they were from her late father.The 48-year-old woman, who called herself the `Sorceress
of Nizza Monferraro`, the name of her town, claimed to have
magical powers and could put people in contact with the dead.
She was unmasked after taking some 25,000 euros from a
client seeking advice from her dead father about her marriage
plans.The scam began in May when a young seamstress paid an
initial 5,000 euros to the clairvoyant who promised that her
father would contact her by text message on her cellphone.
This SMS message and others did arrive but were not sent
from the `other world` but from the clairvoyant`s own
cellphone.Each message cost the seamstress between 3,000 and 5,000
euros and they kept coming until June 30.Finding herself forced to shell out more and more money,
the seamstress consulted a friend, who told her to go to the
It’s bad enough that people take advantage of others by pretending they can speak to the dead, but to charge the people 3k to 5k euros is even worse!