KAIOU Battle Bot VERSIONS ========================= 1.0 - 2.5 -changed the player sheets from .txt to .per -changed every command to work right, and changed descriptions for all the commands. (out of Oddbot, and into kaiou) -added a !tactic command. Now you can tell others what form of martial arts, your character follows. -added the !descitem. Now there can be descriptions for all your items, even the simple stuff like a senzu bean! -!cscan will now check your scanning ability, if your not very good at it, or you don't have a scanner of some sort, you won't get a perfect reading. -there are no more ! techs! Now you just use an action such as: /me uses his/her on this saves lots of space, and is easier in my opion. -equipment -the draw/sheath command will now give you a bonus to your AP -the fly command works (will give you bonus to your DP if you do it) -the full command now works like this: /me fulls -Automonster in, to use it type: !automonster -!addtech -!additem -!removeitem -!addskill -removeskill -!newlevel <10, 15, 20> <--changes User Levels of that person -!turn <--Works like OddbotX -!setgender <--players can now set their gender -kaiou-ken! It works perfectly. When you use it (!kaioken) it sets a timer that will drain your HP (based off the show) and raise your MP. Enjoy the first power up! -!summon same as in OddbotX -!givegold <--gives the amount of gold to that person -!takegold <--takes the amount of gold to that person -added the fight command. IT is used like this: /me attacks -adding a tech to a monster (does NOT work with a player, so don't even try it!) To do so: !maddtech -monsters can now attack in two ways. Both require a DM to type them. attacks uses its on -Touched up some of the commands, such as cscan, to make them work better with the monsters. -Added HIDE function to monsters, this should elimate the error with Cscan. -Added SPEED tech type. Uses evade for most of the damage. -Got rid of some of the useless inis. -Added 'addstat' to the level up procedure. -Fixed the one error with the battle system (where it would not give the turn to the first person who was on the battle list.) -Added some new skills to the ini -Lookie, you now have a race!! 3.0 -FU SION HA!!!! BOTH versions (waza (dance) and Potara) of Fusion are in the bot...whoo-hoo!! -fixed bunch of bugs for the errors that I found.. -monsters can charge their ki, draw its weapon, or do a special powerup (say for instance, ssj) To activate any of these commands: goes charges draws (or sheaths) its weapon -gives you an error message if you mess up a command, or forget to put something after it (eg: !cscan) -Limit Breakers have been updated (finally) -Bot Help Files are starting to appear (type !help for a list) -fixed the SSJ bug, that is, where you could go ssj level a million times and it wouldn't say anything! -!setrace is added -You can't set the same limit and fatality twice (without removing the first before you try to set the same one) -You can now erase a limit that you don't want (fatality will be added here in the near future) -mud fixes (a whole lot of them, hehe) 3.1 -Some new monster commands (eg: < monster name > dodges) -!runaway command added -Touched up Poison -!settactic and !setemail are in (finally) -SECURITY PATCHES ARE IN 3.2 -Description commands have been changed to allow for UNLIMITED descriptions! The commands are: !sethurt <#> !setdeath <#> !setnumberhurt <#> !setnumberdeath <#> -You can now read monsters/players techs: !readtechs -You can now read monsters/players skills: !readskills -At the request of many people trying to get rid of their combos, a delete combo command has been added: !deletecombo -to revert your BP after you hide it (w/out reverting) you can now use !bpnormal -to change the description on your boost: !cboost -the SSJ bug has been Patched YET again, hopefully for the last time! -Fatality bug, where fatalities would do real damage, has been fixed. -Battle bugs have been patched -Blind Techs are now in the bot! -Monsters can now go SSJ (but only level 1) and see their descriptions! 3.4 -changed the combine power to make it more effective/updated -fixed various errors 3.5 ?? 4.0 -revert command changed to: !revert -boosts were changed so that every boost has a level (like ssj) -!next command is GONE! well.. its still there, but isn't needed -item system was totally revamped. 4.0b -JOBs were implemented, the commands are !job-list !join job !quit job !do job -New character command was added: !new char -you can now see the availiable items: !item-list -and techs: !tech-list -and skills: !skill-list -added a more secure password feature to lock the bot. 5.0 -You can now BUY items: !buy item -More jobs were added -New Item types! Mostly, the Scouter type -Changed !kaioken to !kaiou-ken (and !stop kaiou-ken) -Shape Shifting was changed to do more (eg: changes your stats) -SSJ 3 was finally fixed to drain max HP when you use it. -Many skills have been changed, updated, or added. -Real Time Battles have been added to the bot! !rt starts it !renter enters your chr into it !rend ends it 6.0 -changed the player sheets from .per to .zfile -Started to improve the code. -- unfinished -Started to implement "Z points" which would be used for training -- unfinished -Started to add Stamina to the stats -- unfinished -Ini files have been started to be edited, to make more room. -The new "charge" system is finally done. -- read newcharge.txt for info 6.0b -Added the "Room of Spirit and Time" training type. Read "rosat.txt" for more info. -Trying to make the bot more "independent" by touching up a few commands that were not working very well. -Practically re-wrote the entire !addboost command, so that SSJ(b) would appear on the tech list after adding it. -Fixed a bug where you could use your limit at any time, without using any of your limit points. -Pants and Neck have been added to the equipment commands. -Three new jobs were added, and new additions to the miss, miss2, and att txt files. Thanks Scott! -Removed the !setmood command, since it was kind of useless anyway -Fixed the '/me goes' bug. FINALLY. (Took long enough) -Improved the add/take zeni commands. -!equipment / !equiplist now do the same command. Also changed the look of it. -Junked the "Pets" idea. After all, who in DBZ has a pet aside from Kaiou (and Mr. Satan)? 6.0d -With Rowen's help, we have fixed 99.9999999% of the bugs. We have tested EVERY command several times, in order to make sure we didn't over-look anything. Thanks Rowen, for the help. The list of bugs fixed are too many to be listed here. Just know that it was a LOT. -The "!update " command has been updated, so that even if you type in the wrong type, it will look in the file and see what it is and do the command accordingly. -Touched up Kaiou-ken, then made it so you can add it by using !addboost Kaiou-ken -You can change the description of the Kaiou-ken with this command: !cboost Kaiou-ken -You can boost directly to a Kaiou-ken level by using !kaiou-ken -The code for erasing limits, fatalities, and combos have been scripted under 1 main command. This is to help reduce code, and lag :) -Lag meter is gone. Pointless, and taking up space. -All "dice" commands were taken out. Again, they're a bit useless -Erased the "!addnoxp" command (since it's pointless and takes up space) -The !automonster command has been changed quite a bit. There are also three new types that you can create: super-easy, medium, godly -att.txt has been updated (again) thanks to Scott and Hakkin/Distrad! -!batlist (!bat list) commands updated (but still in testing). Now, anyone who's dead in the battle will be red. (This means that !alive list was taken out, since it's not needed anymore) -!skills was updated once again. Now, if the character isn't learning any temp skills, it won't show the "And is also learning ''" If he/she is, then it will show it. -removed !testskill as most people didn't even know it was there. What a pointless command. -Improved the !stats command so that it has a new look, and doesn't lag the bot as much as it did. -/me fulls all, and !full all now work! Instead of having to full everyone individualy you can just full everyone at once. =) -ACCESSORIES have been added!! You can buy them with the !buy accessory command and equip them like the other equipment. (only, instead of you'd put accessory) -Fixed a minor "Affect" type bug. -RAGE has finally been finished added to the bot. After characters take a certain amount of damage, they go into a "rage" (It's a lot like Trance from FF9) 6.0e -I fixed a bug with the tech damages. They should be working now (finally! I can't believe how I didn't catch this bug before now!) -the "Barrier" skill has been re-done and is actually useful now! -Stupid/Normal/Hard AI types are in the bot now! set it with !setai read ai.txt for more about the AI -Added a "Auto BP" function that will kick in after a turn battle (it won't work if you use !endbat). To set how much each person will get, use the !autobp command 6.5 -Magic added as a tech type with the following elements: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, and Water Thanks to Nisshoku for ideas that deal with the magic. Read magic.txt for more info. -Complete Equipment overhaul. The BODY has been split up into two parts (BODY-TOP/BODY-UNDER) and all equipment will now give a defense bonus. For more information, read new-equipment.txt -PRICE command finally added. Now everyone can find the price of the items/accessories/ equipment use !price here. -You can now see what equipment is available for buy, by using !equipment-list -You can now BUY equipment! use !buy equipment to do so. -I included the #DBZRPG MUD in this version of Kaiou for people to mess around with. Read mud.txt for more information about the MUD and how to set it up. -Also incuded the #DBZRPG popups that I made. It will work with this version of Kaiou, and will help people to learn the commands. Look in dbzpop.zip for more info about them. -Changed combos so that they're based on AP rather than CP! Also increased the amount of MP needed to use them. 6.6 -Fusion has been touched, and a few minor bugs have been fixed in it. -Some minor spelling errors fixed in the items -Boosting will now add a bit to your RAGE BAR (not a lot, but some) -!view-tech to view information about your tech. (thanks to Raith for the idea) -The "Double" tech type is GONE (since it's hardly used and doesn't work right anyway) -EVADE finally has a decent use! Players/Monsters can "DODGE" some attacks! Yay! (thanks to Raith for ideas) -Normal attacks now require BP to be performed! CHARGING will add BP to you! -Boosts also require BP to be performed! -Added "eva" as a trainable stat in the Room of Spirit and Time -Women can rejoice! the CUTE skill cuts a person's defense in half for 60 seconds! -HEAL tech types got a little more 'oomf' to them now! The amount increases with CP! -The monster.ini has been touched up a little bit. Better !checkmonster command. -!unset variable is a Kaiou command now (it clears some variables) -The "Survival" skill has been added. It raises the person's HP to try and survive! -Made it so skills can have descriptions now. Use !skilldesc to set it. [not 100% finished] -Rages can now have a custom desc. Use !ragedesc to set one. -New Battle Status messages to help determine how a character is doing! -Critical damage can be done if a person is near "Injured Badly" or below. -!rest for those who have less than 80 BP! -fixed a minor job bug 6.6+ -Fusion was upgraded a slight bit. When Goten and Trunks fuse, Gotenks will have customized attacks and descriptions to match more like the show. Gogita may follow. -Monster boosts re-written slightly so that they can go all forms of SSJ. 7.0 -Every command was updated so that the bot will now work with the latest version of IRC (instead of being stuck with version 5.6) [this is long over-due]. -Folder tree reoganized. Now players and monsters have their own folder, and all documentation is now in its own folder. -.zfiles were modified a little bit. ***NOTE*** This means that older zfiles will NOT work with the newer code. -!ChargeMessage to turn the "[name] is now at Charge Level [level]" message on/off (new style/retro) [ON by default]. -Stamina has a huge impact on battles now. If you run out of stamina you will take much more damage and your attacks will be 1/2 weaker. Also note that even if a player does not do damage to an enemy, his/her/its stamina is still lowered from defending the attack. -New Characters will be allowed to allocate stat points the way he/she wishes. -!decstat <#> allows a NEW player to readjust his/her stats in the character creation process. Note that it only works with new players. -!end character creation this will allow new players to finalize his/her stats as a level 1 player. -!cscan is gone. Now you use !scan by itself to scan yourself and !scan to scan another person. -!addskill and !removeskill got updated. -!addtempskill added -!removetempskill added -Adding techniques has changed slightly: !addtech [] -Removing techniques has been modified slightly to work better. -!addboost -!removeboost -!addweapon -!removeweapon -Equipment system was updated. -!draw -!sheath -!setfatal -!erasefatal -!setlimit -!eraselimit -!setcombo -!erasecombo -All of the monster creation systems were upgraded. NOTE you add techniques and boosts to monsters the same way you do to players now. There's no specific monster command to do it. -!auto monster -!custom monster -!setstat -!setweak -!monsterdesc -Boost system has been reworked and is much better now. You still activate it by typing /me goes [level ] (the level and level # are for SSJ) -Revert commands: reverts from or !revert or /me reverts from -!cboost to set the descriptions for boost levels -!setwattack - rests -Kaiou-ken now uses STAMINA first. If the user runs out of Stamina it will then begin using HP until either the person runs out of HP or stops it. -!weak_sense and !chi_sense were changed from their original commands but still work the same as they did -The Shape Shifting skill no longer affects stats. It's now just for looks. -!hide, !unhide, !spy on, !reabsorb and !split are gone. -It's important to note that while AI was converted and should work, it still is faulty and buggy. Don't use more than one AI monster in a battle. -!whoseturn (corrected grammar) -Fixed a long-running bug that caused RAGE % to go into negatives. -!stance [] alone it will tell you what stance you're in, with the you can change it to something else. -!rstance will tell you what stance he/she is in. -!stance-list will give you a list of all current stances available. -Fusion command rewritten from scratch and works infinitely better now. -!fusion name -- remember to split your nick into two parts (one for the first and one for the last). Example: Gokou might be "Go" for his first, and "kou" for his last. -!addtech Fusion -!removetech Fusion -!deny to deny the fusion dance -/me uses potara with [note that potara will erase both player zfiles involved] -!potara accept -!potara deny -The Tech command (/me uses on ) was rewritten from scratch [FINALLY!!] -BP and techniques are intertwined. Not enough BP will mean that your attack will be halved. How much BP is drained depends on the amount the technique would do. -INNER type techniques are changed slightly. Now the amount of life it drains is (MP required * 10) so be sure to set your MP lower than you used to. -!battledamage will display how much physical and tech damage has been done over the course of the bot's use (until cleared). -!clear battledamage will clear the battledamage stats. -Bow type of weapons require the use of arrows now. -!add arrows -!take arrows 7.0b -Fixed a spacing error in the !items command. -Fixed a bug in the MUD that wouldn't let people attack with a weapon. -Fixed a bug in unequipping accessories -Equipment system changed slightly. Commands are now: !equip and !unequip [you can also use !wear to equip] ** NOTE this is only for armor. Weapons are still done the same way (!equip ) 7.1 -Players can now be knocked out of the air and into the ground, causing more damage -Fixed a major bug that caused two people to be unable to fight in the air -"Bomb" type weapon added to the weapon type list -!add bombs is how you add ammo for the "bomb" type weapon -!buy is how you can buy more -Bombs/Arrows/Guns weapon types have been set so that you can use them on a target regardless if he/she/it is in the air or on the ground while you're on either -The amount of XP needed to level up has changed dramatically. Levels 1 to 5 remain the way they were, but 6 to 10 is different and 11+ has changed as well. This is to help keep it from getting out of control way too fast. Unfortunately it will only affect new players (i.e. you'd have to start over for the new rates to apply effectively) -Fixed a bug in the !removetech command that caused it to remove the tech but not show that it had been removed. -Fixed an error on my part in which you could set your LIMIT LEVEL to 8 but only be able to update to 5. You can now update to level 8. -Fixed a bug in the !summon command that wouldn't set a monster's status back to NORMAL -!update limit command revised a bit to reduce the amount of code it takes -A new "limit level" was added--level 9, need to be player level 20 in order to set it -Auto Charge has been implemented. This was designed for people who had to go AFK during a battle but didn't want to keep the battle hanging. This will set it so that your character will automatically charge each turn until it has been turned off. !auto charge on will turn it on !auto charge off will turn it off !auto charge check will tell you which mode you're in (on/off) WARNING: there is a possibility that this command (if used by too many people at once) can cause a flood and the bot will be kicked off the server to kill it. But as long as there's a few people NOT using it, everything will be okay. -New tech type: absorb acts like drain except it will add a percent of the hp or stamina drained to the player. -Multiple Status Effects can now happen! This is also a long over-due thing to finally come into Kaiou. For example, now someone can be blind, poisoned, and burning at the same time. 7.1b -Updated !checkmonster to show more updated information (such as stamina) -Fixed an !unequip bug -Fixed an !upgrade armor bug in which it wouldn't upgrade correctly -Tried to touch up the AI commands to help keep them from flooding the bot, this is really unfinished and may never be finished -Fixed a !use bug and made it so it will display the error message if the command is mistyped -Fixed an SSJ bug that wouldn't let you go SSJ Ultra. -Improved the checking of the SSJ boost 7.1c -Added a new command for checking the stats of a piece of equipment and accessories. Use !item-view to see the stats -Updated the !price command to be more efficient -!takeammo will now remove ammo should the need ever arise -Monsters can now fly. Use the command flies to cause a monster (or player) to fly. Only DMs or higher can use this command -Fixed a bug that actually prevented RAGE from working right. Players and monsters should be able to enter rage mode now. -!setelementimmune will set the elemental immunities of a monster -!setelementweak will set the elemental weaknesses of a monster (they will take +50% damage when attacked by that element) -!setelementstrong will set the elemental strengths of a monster (they will take -50% damage when attacked by that element) -!monsterowner will let a KAIOU leveled player change who a monster is owned by (the creator). -Fixed a minor bug in the !cboost command -There are better checks in place for a few of the other description setting commands to help prevent bugs such as the one found in the !cboost command -A new tech type has been entered into the bot, known as 'ranged.' The command to add it is: !addtech ranged 0 VALID AMMO TYPES: bullet/ammo (bullet and ammo are the same), bomb or arrow -The 'ranged' type technique has been added so that players can actually use it -Fixed a very serious bug in the tech attacking command that was caught while adding the new technique -Due to conflictions, the command to add ammo has changed slightly. It is now: !addammo -TONS of new equipment added--thanks Scott! 7.2 -CAPSULES are now in the bot! As a reward for winning a battle you may randomly get one of three different types of capsules (class A, B or C). Each one unlocks different things. Class A will unlock random "A"ction items (such as a senzu or herb); class B will unlock a "B"onus to a random stat; class C will unlock random items. I won't spoil everything here. Just know that they're in the bot and that they're random. Note bot owners can change the % chance of obtaining a capsule after winning a battle by changing the %capsule.award.chance variable. 100 being 100% chance of getting one. If bot owners don't want this option to be available at all to the players just change %capsule.awards to off. -Fixed a bug that wouldn't let you set your total hurt/death descriptions -Multiple technique descriptions can now be entered and used with the bot. The command to set more than one is: !techdesc # to set the bot to use your multiple descriptions use !settechnumber <# of descs to use> * Note that !techdesc will work with limits and fatalities in addition to normal techs as long as !settechnumber is used for the names of the limits/fatalities as well -"Claw" added as a type of weapon that can now be added to players -Fixed a mismatch and a small bug in the !item-view command -Fixed a few equipment issues in the equipment.lst -Fixed a small bug in the charges energy monster command -Fixed a bug with the /me fulls that wasn't turning off the heavy poison status effect -Made it so Rage can keep you alive if you happen to enter it while your hp hits 0. Previously this was a bug that would keep you in the battle but wouldn't let you do anything (so the battle would end up being an endless loop) . However, if your HP is too far in the hole (-50 or greater) after an attack even rage won't save you and it'll just put your status as dead. -Fixed a !bat list bug (again) and made formatted it a little nicer -Fixed a bug in the !decstat command -New Item Type: food Food will restore all of a player's stamina. It will not restore health or BP though. -Absorb tech type power has been changed slightly to try and help balance it out -!ki will now display how much Ki you have built up -fixed a minor bug in the !checkmonster command -!unequip all was added as a quick macro to quickly remove all primary equipment. It does NOT remove weapons or accessories. 7.2b -The ammo system for guns has been completely revamped to be slightly more realistic. Now guns use clips and need to be reloaded when the current clip is out. As a result, any command involving ammo has changed slightly: !ammo GUN_NAME !addammo bullets GUN_NAME person amount !takeammo bullets GUN_NAME person amount !buy ammo amount GUN_NAME when using a RANGED type tech you now must specify which gun you'd like to use with it (this only applies to ranged type techs that use bullets, not arrows or bombs) by using the command: /me uses his/her on with To reload: !reload GUN_NAME -You can set a different reload description for each gun (if you don't it'll use a default desc): !reloaddesc GUN_NAME description -New status affect type for the "status" tech type: silence. It will prevent people from casting spells if the person is affected by this status -new item type "cure-silence" to cure the silence type ("orange_potion" is an example item) -COURAGE MODE is now in the bot and ready for use. Courage will affect a character's ability to attack and will influence the intimidate skill. Courage Mode can be turned on/off by the bot owner (in the variables tab) or by Kaiou-level players with !CourageMode On/Off -Capsule mode can be controlled by Kaiou-level players now with !CapsuleMode on/off -Capsule drop percentage can be controlled by Kaiou-level players now with !capsulepercent # where # is 0 to 100 (percent) [100 being they always drop, 0 being they never drop] -TAUNTING added into Kaiou! Taunting will cause 3 things to happen (at random). It may cause the target's charge level to decrease by .1; it may take 5 ki from the target; or it may just enrage the target and make the target stronger. To taunt someone use: /me taunts -Players can set multiple taunting descriptions by using the commands: !tauntdesc # to set them !setnumbertaunt # to set the max # of taunting descriptions that have been set -Added a small throttle to the It is 's turn [Health Status: ] [Status Effects: ] line to try and help keep things in order (plus to prevent flooding out the bot) -Fixed a bug that was found in the jobs.ini that allowed a player to accidently do a job he/she didn't have. 7.2c -Fixed a bug in the !charge command that led to creating a blank .zfile (which would cause errors with the full command). -Fixed a bug that prevented DMs from adding SSJ Ultra to a player. -Added better number checking (negative number and floating point number checking). -Added SSJ level "Legendary" to the bot, based on Brolli. It's only slightly under the level of SSJ2 in terms of the boost to the stats. -Added SSJ 4. As much as I personally dislike it, it is part of the Dragon Ball series and should be included. In order to boost to SSJ 4, a player must already be boosted to SSJ 3. -Added a new boost type called "Mystic" based on the transformation Gohan achieved in Z. -Added a new boost type called "Consume" which is slightly stronger than "anger" type but less than transform. It's based on Cell's transformations, only temporary instead of permanent. 7.2d -Fixed a bug in tech1.ini that would cause a $nick.zfile to be created when it shouldn't have been. -Fixed a bug with !bat list -Added a new tech type: Raise. The "raise" type tech will revive a fallen commrade with half his/her HP and STAM restored. Add it using the following: !addtech (name) (person) 0 raise (mp) (stam) (ki) (desc) (remove the () of course) 7.3 -Added a new tech status type: weight This status will make the target too heavy to fly. If used on someone who is already in the air, it will cause him/her to come crashing down to the ground and take damage. Add it like so: !addtech (person) (name) (power) status weight (mp) (stam) (ki) (desc) -Added a new item type "cure-weight" as it implies, it cures the weight status effect. There is an example item called the tenshi_wing that does this. -Improved the !count command so that if you check on an item that you don't have, it will display you "have no (item)" instead of you "have (item)" (empty blank where a # should go) -Improved the !add amount command so that you can only add amounts to items the person already has in his/her inventory. Else, it will tell you to add the item before adding an amount. -!Count capsules will now tell you how many capsules of each type you have in your inventory (in case you forget or don't want to see your entire inventory). -The !speed command has changed quite a bit. Now you can only use it once (and it resets with fulls) but it increases the character's speed/evasion by 25% of his/her base. So if the base eva is 100, the person will gain 25, making the total 125. -You can turn the speed skill off using !speed off. Also note, the skill will be turned off when someone uses the FULL command on the character or when the character enters a battle. -The whole battle turn order in the battle system has been completely revamped. The order of everyone's turns is no longer based on when the person joins the battle. It is now completely based on speed (eva). The higher your eva stat the faster you will get a turn in battle. -Changed the way Kaiou detects if the battle should automatically end when there's only one person left alive. The old method does not work with the new way the battle order is generated. -Better start/end battle error detection. Battles now require 2 people in order to start, else it will return an error message. Battles can't start more than once in a row or end more than once without previously ending/starting another one. -Weather added! Players can use !weather to see the current weather and DMs+ can use !setweather to set a weather type. The default weather types are: calm, bright, gloomy, rainy, stormy, dry, snowy, windy, and hot Various weather will enhance the damage of spells. Bright will enhance light, gloomy->dark, rainy->water, stormy->lightning, snowy->ice, hot->fire, windy->wind, and dry->earth. It is set to increase the spells by 25% (.25) by default. This can be changed in weather.lst (just remember it's in decimal format, so .25 = 25%, 1.25 = 125% and so on). -Fixed a bug in the !charge and (so and so) charges (his/her) energy command. -Monsters/NPCs can now use the "speed" skill. Add it as you would to a player, then does speed The only way to turn it off, currently, is to use the FULLS command. 7.4 -Boosts can now add HP when used. Bot owners can control this in boosts.lst under each boost type. By default only Transform and Consume increase HP (by 100). It is possible to set it to negative and have HP taken away but there are no checks to see if it kills the user or not. -Boosts can now add MP when used. Same as the above with the HP. By default no boosts do this. -Added a new [player level] command, !skill info (skill name) that will display information about the skill including how to use it. -Added a new skill: Zen. When used, it will add 30 ki and .1 charge level instantly. Can only be used once every five minutes. After adding it, use !zen to activate it. -Added a new skill: Sugitekai. This skill, the name shortened from "sugite genkai", allows the user to break the one-action-per-turn limit once every 10 minutes. When used, the player's NEXT TURN will allow two actions in it. This skill can only be used once every 10 minutes to try and help balance how powerful it is. Use !Sugitekai to activate it (can also use !double turn but players have to use the real name to set descriptions for it). -Added a new skill: haggling. This skill is passive and is always on. Once added, the price of buying items will be reduced by 10% and the price of selling items will be increased by 15%. -Added a new status tech type: virus. A character that has been inflicted by a virus cannot boost or charge his/her ki. Note that if a player has already boosted, it will NOT revert them but they will be unable to boost any further. The virus status effect will last for three turns or until medicine is used to remove it. Add it like so: !addtech (person) (name) (power) status virus (mp) (stam) (ki) (desc) -Added a new item type: cure-virus. The default item to buy is 'medicine' -Added a new [player level] command: !sell As implies, players can now finally sell unwanted junk! As of this version however, it's only equipment. Use !sell equipment (piece of equipment to sell) to sell it. The Haggling skill will increase the amount that equipment will sell by (normally it's 50% of the original price) -Added a new [DM level] command, !all characters that will list every .zfile in the players/monsters folder that is not one of the template zfiles. -Added a new [player level] command, !item info (item name) that will display the item's name, type and cost. Useful if you forget what certain items do. -Added a new [DM level] command, !remove equip (equip name) that will remove a piece of equipment from a player/monster. ** Please read remove_equip.txt for something important about this command. -Added a $gender3() command. Will return "he" or "she" can use it like $gender3($2) to get that gender of $2. -Added new jobs to the jobs.lst (thanks to Smz for those) -Added new jokes to the jokes.txt (thanks to Smz for help on this) -Added a way for DMs and higher to allow monsters to taunt. use (name of monster) taunts (person) -Added the ability for monsters to use the following skills if they are added: Joking, Sugitekai, Zen, Regeneration ** Note: to stop monsters' regenerations DMs and above can use: (name) stops (his/her/its) regeneration -Added a way for battles to end manually but still count as victory (and thus give BP and capsules). To make this happen use: !end bat victory -Added a command so monster creators can change the monster's levels: !setlevel (monster name) (level) -Changed the joke skill dramatically. Now the skill will use the courage bar of the person who uses it and the target. If courage is the same, nothing will happen. If the user's courage bar is greater it will cut the target's rage bar in half. If the target's courage is higher, there's a 50% chance the target's rage bar will be increased by 10%. -Changed the regeneration skill slightly so that it displays the amount that a person is regenerating in the channel. -Changed the regeneration formula. Now the player's/monster's levels play a part into how much HP it heals. Monsters will regenerate slightly more than players also. -Changed !tech-list to show more information. -Fixed the anatomy skill so that it actually works with the updated status effects. -Fixed an error where it might be possible to have the status effect "poisoned heavilly" and not be able to get rid of it even with using the FULL command. -Fixed an error in which battles would not end if someone had run away from the battle. -Fixed an error where people who ran away could receive capsules at the end of battles. -Fixed an error with boosts in which CD was being calculated twice (thus increasing it way higher than it should be) -Fixed an error with 'rage' displaying the wrong gender if the character is female. -Fixed an error with the !equip and !unequip commands in which it wouldn't display an error if a player tried to equip or unequip a piece of equipment that he/she didn't have. -Fixed an error with !view-tech in which techs would say it used ranged ammo when it was not a ranged tech type. -Fixed an error with fatalities in which the gender was not being displayed correctly. -Fixed an error in which B type capsules were not showing up. -Fixed a few minor spelling errors. -Fixed an error in battle.ini was that was preventing the person's turn message from being shown if the person was in regeneration mode (and possibly others). -Fixed an error in which regeneration could not be stopped with the new way that statuses were done. 7.4b -Upon the very first run the bot will now attempt to help the user set everything up. -Added !accesslevel to eventually replace !newlevel. -Added the ability to sell items. Max amount a player can sell an item for is 80 zeni (not including the haggling skill) -Changed a few minor things so that bot owners wouldn't be reset to a basic user upon setting up their character for the first time. -Fixed the possibility of having negative HP/MP when using a boost if the boost was set up to take away HP/MP. Now if the player doesn't have enough it will simply not let the player boost. 7.4c -The bot will now store certain information in a system.dat file. This should help eliminate the need to include remote.ini with every patch (and thus reset everyone's variables). Note that mirc.ini will still be included for the moment. And the "Complete" versions of Kaiou will still include the remote.ini (while the "Lite" versions and patches will not). -Added two new capsule types: D and E. -Added a DM command: !takezpoint obviously it removes z-points from a player. -Added a few new passive weapon skills: marksmanship, swordsmanship, explosives, and archery. When added to the player,they will enhance attacks done with their respective weapons (marksmanship = guns, swordsmanship = swords, explosives = bombs and archery = bows). Note that this does not enhance tech damage, only normal attacks. -Added a Z-point store that doesn't require the MUD to access. Right now it only sells capsules. Use !zpoint store to see the list and !zpoint buy # to purchase something using Z-points. -Added the ability for players to gain 1 z-point when they set the battle damage record (for physical or techs). -Added a new status effect: Charmed. While charmed, a player will have no control over his/her character. The person who has charmed him/her will have the ability to control that player like a DM would with monsters. Note that any GM/DM/Kaiou that isn't the actual charmed person also has control of the player. ** READ charm.txt in the documents folder for more information on it. -Added two new skills: Resist-Charm and Charm. Resist-Charm will make it less likely that the Charm skill will work. Use Charm as !charm (target) Resist-Charm is a passive skill. -Updated the !items command to improve it. -Updated the !count command so that you can use it to check on bombs and arrows. -Updated the senzu item so that it cures all status effects -Updated the !cute skill so that it now does the same as !charm -Updated the !dance skill so that it now does what the old !cute skill did (cuts a target's DP in half) -Updated the way the item, equipment, tech and skill lists are stored slightly. Hopefully this will help with straggling commas. -Fixed !count capsules to show a message when a person has 0 capsules. -Fixed a few minor things in skills.lst -Fixed the Regen skill so that players/monsters can no longer regenerate more HP than they have max. -Fixed an error with !status and it not showing when someone was heavily poisoned -Fixed a minor error with courage when someone is too afraid to attack. The bug allowed the person to attack anyway. Now it will count as the person's turn and not attack. -Fixed a potential bug with !anatomy -Fixed a bug in !late arrival. -Fixed a bug with !run away -Fixed an error message that kept popping up when a Heal type tech was used. 7.4d -Added a new status type for the status tech type: "Random" -- This type will randomly choose from the list of status effects to inflict upon the target (if it's successful). Add it as you would any other status type except use random for the type. -Added a new status type for the status tech type: "Amnesia" -- This type will inflict amnesia upon a target which will make it so the target cannot use skills or techs until the status effect is removed or 3 turns pass. -Added a new status type for the status tech type: "Paralysis" -- This type will paralyze a target which will make it so the target misses a turn. Will last until cured with an item or 3 turns have passed. -Added the ability for players to gain 1 z-point when they reach level 5 and level 10. -Added a new skill: blood boost. This skill, when used, will take away 100 hp but increase the "charge level" by .3 instead of the usual .1. Add it by: !addskill (person) Bloodboost 100 and use it with !bloodboost or !blood boost -Added a new item type: cure-amnesia. The "Brain_Juice" item is an example of this. -Added a new item type: cure-paralysis. The "blue_herb" item is an example of this. -Added a few new items for Class C capsules. -Added new resistances. Now there's a resistance for all status tech types. Add them like so: !addskill (person) resist-(status type) 100 for example: !addskill Iyouboushi resist-poison 100 -Changed the way the status tech type works slightly so that it now works with the resist skills. Now without a resist skill the status effect has a 60% chance of working and only a 35% with resist. -Fixed a color issue in the [Status Effects:] list when more than one was in effect. -Fixed an error when using items on someone other than yourself that made them not work. -Fixed an error in which certain skills could be used on characters that didn't exist. 7.5 -Added Monster "Natural Armor" -- Natural Armor will absorb the amount of max damage it is set to before the monster's hp can be hurt. Limit breaks, status effects/spell after-effects ignore natural armor. -Added a DM command: !setarmoramount Adds the "natural armor" amount to a monster. Can only be used with monsters the DM owns. -Added a DM command: !setarmorname Sets the name of the "natural armor" on the monster. -Added a new skill: MightyStrike. It doubles the next physical attack (before defense is calculated). Add it using: !addskill mightystrike 100 and use it with !mightystrike or !mighty strike. The skill can only be used once every ten minutes due to how strong it is. -Added a new skill: ConserveMP. The next spell cast by the user after using this command will consume 0 mp. This skill can only be used once every 5 minutes. -Added a new skill: Armor-Peek - This skill allows a player to peek at a monster's natural armor to see what % of it remains. Add it like so: !addskill Armor-Peek 100 - Use it with !armor peek * This skill can only be done on a player's turn (unless it's done by a DM or above). -Added a new skill: Clear_Mind This skill is a passive skill (always on) and increases the damage done via magic spells by 5%. Add it with !addskill Clear_Mind 100. -Added a new skill: Elemental_Seal. This skill enhances the next magic spell by 10%. Stacks with clear mind. Add it with !addskill Elemental_Seal 100. Use it with !elemental_seal. This skill can only be used once every 5 minutes. -Added an after-effect for wind based spells. -Changed the !skill-list command to more accurately represent the skills. -Changed the !skill info command so that it now displays the name of the skill you're reading info on. -Changed the amount the rage bar is increased when damage is done (now reduced). -Changed the limit % so that there's a max of 300% now to prevent people from spamming limit breaks non-stop. -Changed the way limit % is calculated so that it will increase relative to damage over 50. Under 50 is calculated the way it was previously. There is a cap of 30% max from any single hit. -Fixed a bug with !use when used with a misc item. -Fixed a bug in which charmed AI monsters would do actions despite being charmed. -Fixed a bug in which a monster that had a lot of max HP but very low current HP would be skipped over in turn-based battles due to the system rounding its HP % down to 0 and thinking it was dead. -Fixed a bug that prevented extra damage being done when the defender is in critical HP and the attacker's BP is higher than the defender's BP. It is now a 40% chance of happening. 7.5b -Added accuracy to the bot. This replaces the old way that the bot does evasion/dodging of attacks. For full information on the new accuracy system see accuracy.txt in the documentation folder. -Added a new status: drunk. This status can only be obtained by using a new alcohol type item. The drunk status lowers the ability to dodge, lowers accuracy, but increases attack damage. -Added a new item to the library: rum. This is an alcohol type item that will cause the drunk status. -Updated the amount of BP players/monsters get when charging energy. -Updated the Combine Power system so that it works with Natural Armor. -Updated Kaiou Ken so that it checks for the virus status effect now. -Updated Kaiou Ken so that it checks for the charmed status effect now. -Fixed the ability to clear the 'tornado' status effect via /me fulls. -Fixed it so "Caught in a Tornado" will now show if !status is used when under that effect. -Fixed a bug that prevented the tornado magic effect from ending. It can actually end now. 7.5c -Added a new tech type: Suicide. This tech type will use all of the user's HP to create a massive attack. It will kill the user. The amount of damage decreases as the user's HP goes down. -Added a new status type: Zombie. Zombies will be hurt by cure techs and healing items and will take more damage when attacked via Light elemental magic techs. ZOMBIE STATUS TYPE will not wear off naturally. It must be cured via item (either senzu or holy_water) -Added a new item type: cure-zombie. It cures the zombie status when used. holy_water is a pre-made item that does this. -Added double attacking! It's a random chance that will cause a player attack twice. The conditions are: it must be a physical/weapon attack (no techs), the attack must do damage and must not miss. It is set currently to a 10% chance of happening randomly. -Added "battle conditions" please see battleconditions.txt for more information on this. -Added a new command: !battle conditions It's a player or higher level command that has the bot display the current battle conditions. -Added a new command: !set battle conditions It's a DM level command that allows the DM to change the conditions of the battle. Read battleconditions.txt for more on conditions. -Added a new tech type: StealPower. This tech type will drain the target's stam,ap,dp,cp,cd,eva,bp and add it to the attacker. Recommended that DMs be careful who they give this to as it can make them really strong really fast. -Added a new passive skill: DesperateBlows. This skill will cause physical damage to increase relative to how close to death a person becomes. More than 25% health is normal damage. From 10% to 25% health the damage is 1.5x damage. From 1% to 10% the damage is 2x. And anything less is 2.5x damage. Add it like so: !addskill DesperateBlows 100 -Added a new monster-only skill: gradual_immunity. Monsters with this skill will become immune to tech types that are used against them after the first time. Add it with !addskill gradual_immunity 100 -Added a new command: !clearimmune This is a DM level command that clears all immunities of a monster. -Added new jobs! Thanks to Smz for creating them. -Changed the heal-hp item type so that it causes damage to players/monsters under the zombie status. -Changed the lowest accuracy to 15% (up from 10%). -Changed the formula on the 'affect' type techs so that the attacker/defender's levels play a part in how much is drained. -Changed it to read [Battle Power] in !stats instead of [Base Power] -Fixed a bug that might prevent the passive weapon skills from working correctly. -Fixed a bug with the heal-hp item type. -Fixed a bug with accuracy that wasn't taking boosts/increases in speed/eva into consideration -Fixed a bug that allowed a player to charge even if he/she was dead/unconscious. -Fixed a bug that would allow the rage meter to go below 0 when using an 'anger' type boost. -Fixed a bug in !addtech that would sometimes write an incorrect zfile. -Fixed a bug with !addboost when relating to SSJ -Fixed !skills so that it shows resist-zombie now. 7.5d -Added the ability for techs to get stronger the more they're used. For every 300 uses the tech will gain +1 to its attack strength. -Added a new capsule type: R -Added some new accessories. These new accessories do not have stats in the normal sense, but rather have latent effects. -Changed the capsule type drop rates. Type C is now the most common with type R being the most rare. -Updated !view-item accessory so that it will reveal the bonus effect of the newer accessories. -Updated !count capsules to show the counts of class D, E and R capsules. -Updated the !sell command so that players can now sell unwanted accessories. 7.6 -Added "Monster Types". Please read monster_types.txt for more information. -Added a new DM-level command: !view monster types Displays a list of available monster types. -Added a new player-level command: !readtype Will display the monster's type. -Added a new status type: Slow. When under this effect your speed will be halved when the battle list is generated. Evasion will also be lowered when attacked. If you attack while under the slow status, your accuracy will be lower. -Added a new item type: caffeine. This will cure the slow status. Example item is Coffee. -Added the battle condition "no-slow" -- Will disallow the slow status from being used. -Added the resist-slow resistance skill. -Added "Killer" trait skills. For example dragon-killer, bomb-killer, etc. These skills will cause extra physical damage to be done against that type of monster. Note that it doesn't work with techs. To add one: !addskill XX-killer 100 Replace XX with the monster type. Androids and Machines do not have a killer trait. -Added a new tech type: Bash. It works the same as tech type Cut. -Added a new tech type: Death. This tech type has a small possibility of inflicting instant death upon a target. The chance of success increases when the attacker's BP is higher than the defender's. -Added a new skill: Singing. This skill allows the user to perform a song for a target. Each song will do something different. Songs require instruments (that can be purchased with zenni) to perform. For some more information on this, see the singing.txt help file. -Added a new skill: SoulVoice. This skill allows a singer to sing their next song without the use of an instrument. Use !SoulVoice to activate it. DMs add it as !addskill player SoulVoice 100 -Added a new skill: Kikouheni. This skill will allow the user to change the weather. DMs add it as !addskill player Kikouheni 100. Users can use it as: !kikouheni (weather type here) -Added a new skill: TreasureHunter. This is a passive skill that will automatically enhance the odds of finding better capsules by 5%. DMs add it: !addskill player TreasureHunter -Added a new skill: ManaWall. This skill will consume a user's remaining MP to create a barrier that will completely negate one magic spell used against him/her, reducing the damage to 0. DMs add it: !addskill player ManaWall 100. Users use it with !ManaWall. -Added a new skill: SubtleBlows. This is a passive skill that will decrease the amount of limit breaker bar points and rage bar points the target receives when hit by an attack. DMs add it like so: !addskill player SubtleBlows 100 -Added a new player-level command: !instrument-list -Added a new player-level command: !song info (song name) -Added a new rare accessory: Life-Ring. This accessory will cut the chance of a Death tech from working by half. -Added a new rare accessory: Delimit-Ring. This accessory will allow the wearer to store more than 300 limit breaker bar points. -Added a new job: Bartender. Thanks to Smz for that. -Changed !summon so that it now clears the status effects of the monster being summoned. -Changed a few things in monsters.lst (the automatic monster creation templates). -Changed the way the regeneration skill works. Now it no longer causes the player to skip his/her turn when active. The amount regenerated is slightly decreased for monsters also. -Changed damage calculations against a character that is in rage mode. Attacks will do 50% less damage now. -Updated !buy so that players can now buy instruments and songs. -Fixed an error in which the tech name would be displayed in the battle wound extra damage message. -Fixed a bug with !next in which it wasn't using the new battle order generation. -Fixed !status so that it will show the zombie, slow, stun, sleep and virus statuses. -Fixed !status so that the first status will be red, like the rest, rather than green, if it's not "normal". 7.6b -Added the start of a Bounty System. Read bounty.txt for more information. -Added class "R" capsules to the Z-point store for 50 z-points. -Added the !bountynotes command for players to check their bounty note amounts. -Added the !readbountynotes command for players to check other players. Use it like !readbountynotes player -Added the !checkbounty command for players to check the bounty reward on monsters. Use it like !checkbounty monster -Added the MASTER level command !BountyMessage on/off -- this command will turn the related bounty messages on/off. -Added a bot password check to the start up, as well as a few variable checks. -Added an "automatic next" timer. Now if someone idles for 3 minutes, the bot will force their turn to help keep the battle moving. -Fixed the capsule reward so that monsters won't get capsules. -Fixed a bug in which class R capsules weren't showing up in !items if they were the only type the player had. -Fixed a bug in which non-existent characters could be added to the battle (thus causing problems). -Fixed a bug with Sugitekai that was making the skill not work right. -Fixed a bug with !barrier that could potentially leave a player with negative CD. Now it will not go below 0. -Fixed a bug in which MP Regen might accidentally write a player's HP with their MP. -Improved the battle.ini slightly. -Improved the !turn command so that it now goes to the correct person in battle after the turn is used.