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Posted by Iyouboushi on December - 2 - 2011 Comments Off on Auto Perform In Kon 1.5.2

This is just a quick update to let everyone know that I have added the auto perform code into Kon. This post will be a short explanation of how it works so that when the version is released you’ll know how to do it.

Right now the commands will be read from perform.kon which is a plain text file that can be opened in any plain text editor (notepad works fine for it). The commands that are recognized for the auto perform are: JOIN, SAY, MSG and WAIT.

JOIN – Joins a channel
SAY and MSG both work the same way here and lets you have the bot send a message to someone or say something to a channel when the bot joins the server.
WAIT – This command causes the bot to pause for a few seconds inbetween commands. Use this if you have a lot of commands set in the auto perform so that the bot doesn’t flood the server and get booted off.

So what you’ll do is open kon.perform in your favorite plain text editor and add a command one to a line. For example:

JOIN #KonBot
MSG NICKSERV identify mypassword
SAY #KonBot hello all my peeps!

And then save it. When the bot is run the next time, it’ll automatically do all of those commands. I’ll include a perform.kon.example file that will basically show exactly that in case you forget.

I’m not sure when I’ll release this update. I want to test it a little while longer and make sure there’s no issues with it before I do. But I’m sure it’ll be soon. :)

Categories: Kon, Programs
Posted by Iyouboushi on November - 28 - 2011 Comments Off on Kon version 1.5.1

Hey everyone!

Kon version 1.5.1 is now up and ready for anyone who wants to download it. This version doesn’t add a whole lot but it fixes an issue with the ident and Real Name of the bot. The only other thing it does is add a /MSG command that allows the bot owner to message a non-channel (i.e. Chanserv, Nickserv, other users, stuff like that).

Kon seems to be attracting a lot more attention lately. I first just want to say thanks to everyone who has downloaded and tried it out. Thanks to those who sent me email with suggestions on what to do with the bot. I do appreciate it. With that said, I just wanted to say real quick that the IRC side of Kon is pretty lacking. When I first wrote the bot I never imagined it to be on par with something like mIRC or any other full IRC client. It was really just programmed to be a chatterbot. So please keep that in mind when you find that the bot is lacking something on the IRC side (like being able to auto-perform commands). I’ll add what I can when I have the time.

In the next version I’d like to add some kind of perform that will let the bot automatically join a bunch of channels and perform commands (like identifying to chanserv and nickserv). I don’t know when the next version will come though, so please be patient. :)

With all that said, here’s the links:


Categories: Featured, Kon, Programs
Posted by Iyouboushi on November - 18 - 2011 1 COMMENT

I have decided to go ahead and release what I’ve been working on with Kon. This version is similar to the last version of Kon Offline that I released in that it combines the two lb brain files back into one file and utilizes kon.brain for its “Answer Search”.  For the change log for this version and the download links, continue after the cut.

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Categories: Kon
Posted by Iyouboushi on September - 6 - 2011 Comments Off on Kon Offline Version 1.2.0

Kon Offline version 1.2.0 has finally been released. Sorry that it took so long. I kept testing the Kon 1.5.0 engine. While it’s not perfect, it’s probably as good as I’m going to get it for a while (interest in this project is a bit waning as of late).

I’ve redone the way the LB Brain stores things drastically. Before it was split–questions in one file, everything else in another. That’s no longer the case. It’s all back down to one lb.brain file. This version also has what I call “Answer Search.” This uses the kon.brain file. Basically both files are now required to make Kon work (if you use that new function).

Basically “Answer Search” tries to find the appropriate answer to something that you’re saying. It doesn’t always work, and sometimes it has to be pretty specific, but eh.

You: My skills with a sword are highly venerated.
Kon: Too bad they’re all fabricated.
You: I can’t rest ’til you’ve been exterminated.
Kon: Then perhaps you should switch to decaffeinated!
You: I’ll leave you devastated, mutilated, and perforated!
Kon: I’ll leave you devastated, mutilated, and perforated.

Binaries: Download

Categories: Kon, Kon Offline, Programs
Posted by Iyouboushi on January - 1 - 2011 Comments Off on Kon Offline Version 1.1.1

This is just a very quick post to announce that I have updated Kon Offline to version 1.1.1 on 1/1/11. :)

There’s only one change in this version and that’s an updated LB Brain that I’m testing out. The biggest change is that when constructing sentences it can go look backwards as well as forwards through the brain files. Previous versions of the LB Brain only looked forward. What’s the difference? Consider this:

“empty as your soul!”


“Your words are as empty as your soul!”

In the past the first line is what Kon would spit out. Now it will try to spit out the second line by going backwards and looking to see what “empty as your soul” is connected to. Sometimes it will mix things up and create hilariously weird lines. Sometimes it’ll be just right.

Anyway, this is long enough. Go download, test and let me know if you like the changes.

Binaries: Download

Categories: Featured, Kon, Kon Offline, Programs

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