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Iyouboushi On September - 25 - 2006

犬夜叉 v36 – ch349
Translations by James “Iyouboushi” (Iyouboushi(AT)gmail.com)

Note about my early translations:
If you haven’t been following my translations on the website (or even if you
have) you’ll notice one thing: they are all probably a little awkward because
I try to stick to as literal as possible (for practice). It’s become somewhat
of a saying I have now in that it’s always easy to change translations around
to make them sound better but getting the literal is the hardest part.

In any case, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Title: 屍の群れ (Shikabane no Mure -- Swarm of Corpses)

Page 04:

Kana/Kanji version

Kagome: この妖快たち。。。もう死んだる?
Inuyasha: ああ。

Romanji version

Kagome: kono youkai tachi... mou shinderu?
Inuyasha: AA!

My Translation

Kagome: These youkai are... already dead?
Inuyasha: Yeah!

Page 05:

Kana/Kanji version

Inuyasha: 風の傷

Romanji version

Inuyasha: KAZE NO KIZU!

My Translation

Inuyasha: KAZE NO KIZU!


Kaze no Kizu literally means "wind of cut" or "wind's cut" Viz translated
it as "Wind Scar"  but I don't like that. It's the name of his technique
so I'm just going to leave it as such

Page 06:

Kana/Kanji version

Shippou: ダメじゃ 襲ってくる。
Inuyasha: ちっ。 屍を斬っても意味ねえってか。
Miroku: ならば。。。風穴!

Romanji version

Shippou: dame ja osotte kuru.
Inuyasha: chi(elonged i). shikabane wo kittemo imi neette ka.
Miroku: Naraba... KAZAANA!

My Translation

Shippou: No good, they're approaching to attack
Inuyasha: Keh* Killing the corpses has no significance right?
Miroku: In that case... KAZAANA!


My translation of this page is probably a little too literal. Obviously
Inuyasha is not the kind of person to be saying something like
"has no significance right?" I could have relaxed that a lot and had him
say "Killing the corpses doesn't work, right?" but I chose to stay with
the literal for practice. Also, Shippou's literal translation could
probably be changed to "they're RETURNING to attack" or "They're coming
back to attack."

kittemo using this particular ki kanji means "to murder (to kill)" or "to behead"
It can also mean "to cut"  (which would probably sound better than "to murder" in
this sense, but I'm leaving it this way for now).

Kazaana literally means "air hole" or "windhole" Viz translated it as
"Wind Tunnel" but, much like Kaze no Kizu I'm not going to translate it as
that since it's what he named that "technique" (if you can call it that).

Page 07:

Kana/Kanji version

Miroku: 最猛勝!
Sango: 法しさま風穴はダメだ!
Kagome それじゃ妖快を操っているのは。。。
Inuyasha:間違いねえ! 神楽の屍舞だ!
Kagura: ふっ。。。

Romanji version

Miroku: Saimyoushou!
Sango: Houshi-sama, Kazaana dameda!
Kagome: sore ja youkai wo ayatsutte iru no ha...
Inuyasha: machigainee! Kagura no shikabane maida!
Kagura: Fuu (or Huu)...

My Translation

Miroku: Saimyoushou!
Sango: Houshi-sama! Don't use the Kazaana!
Kagome: Then the youkai are being manipulated by...
Inuyasha: I have no doubt! Kagura's corpse dance!
Kagura: Huh...


Saimyoushou are the poison insects that Naraku uses to prevent him from
being sucked up into Miroku's Kazaana. In the dub Viz generally leaves
it as "Naraku's poison insects" but I'll leave it by their name, Saimyoushou.

Page 09:

Kana/Kanji version

Kagura: この寺奈落の赤子がいるかどうか。。。 見極めてやるぜ。  。。。。。。 今のところ。。。 妖気の結晶は反応しねえ。 
奈落は岳山人から奪った不妖壁を、赤子に渡しているはずだ。 この寺に不妖壁があれば、この妖気の結晶から妖気は失われるはずだが。。。
Goryoumaru: まずいな。。。

Romanji version

Kagura: Kono tera ni Naraku no akago ga iru kadou ka...mikiwa mete yaruze. .....
ima no tokoro... youki no kesshou ha hannoushinee. Naraku ha Gakusanjin kara
ubatta fuyouheki wo, akago ni watashite iru hazuda.  Kono terani fuyouhiki
ga areba, kono youki no kesshou kara youki ha ushina wareru hazu daga...
Goryoumaru: mazuina...

My translation

Kagura: Whether or not Naraku's child is in this temple... I will make
sure ..... presently... youki's crystal is not reacting.  The Fuyouheki
stolen from Gakusanjin by Naraku should have been handed to the child.
If Fuyouhiki is in this temple, this youki's crystal youki should disappear
Goryoumaru: This is unpleasant.

This probably sounds pretty weird being so literal.  If I were to relax
it a little, I think it'd sound better with Kagura saying: "Whether or
not Naraku's child is in this temple...I'll find out.... right now...
the youki crystal is not reacting."

Youki no kesshou is the "Youki's crystal"  or perhaps "demon aura's
crystal" if you want to get literal with it.  I've translated it as
"youki's crystal" for now.

Gakusanjin is a youkai that was introduced in volume 35.  Naraku stole the
fuyouheki from him and he was later killed by Goryoumaru's students.

Page 10:

Kana/Kanji version

Goryoumaru: 子供たちの御量壷にすべて力を使ってしまった。 今襲ってこられたら。。。
Sango: 屍を砕いてもキリがないよ。
Miroku: ああ、操り手を倒さねば。
Inuyasha: ちっ。

Romanji version

Goryoumaru: kodomo tachi no goryou tsubo ni subete chikara wo tsukatte shimatta.
Ima osotte koraretara...
Sango: shikabane wo kudaitemo kiri ga nai yo.
Miroku: aa, ayatsurite wo taosaneba.
Inuyasha: chi(elonged i)

My translation

Goryoumaru: Oh no.. I consumed all my energy for the children's goryou pots.
If I am attacked now...
Sango: There is no end to smashing the corpses!
Miroku: yeah, we have to defeat the manipulator (lit: we have to defeat
the puppet hands--referring to the one who controls the puppet)
Inuyasha: Keh.


Goryou Tsubo are special pots that were filled with a "light" that could destroy

Page 11:

Kana/Kanji version

Miroku:  犬夜叉。
Inuyasha: 寺の外だ。 どういうことだ?! 神楽が襲ってくるってことは。。。御霊丸は奈落の一みじゃねえってことか!?
Kagome: あ。。。 ダメよ外に出ちゃ。。。 
Kid: 大丈夫だ、 御量壺さえあれば。。。
Miroku: 屍を子供たちに近づけるな!
Sango: わかった!

Romanji version

Miroku: Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: Tera no soto da. Douiukotoda!? Kagura ga osotte kurutte koto ha...
Goryoumaru ha naraku no ichimi janeette koto ka?
Kagome: A... dame yo soto ni decha...
Kid: Daijoubu da, goryou tsubo sae areba...
Miroku: shikabane wo kodomo tachi ni chikadukeru na!
Sango: Wakatta!

My translation

Miroku: Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: It's outside the temple.  What's going on?  If Kagura is attacking
here... Goryoumaru is not in Naraku's group?
Kagome: ah... don't come outside...
Kid: it's all right, if we have the goryou pots...
Miroku: The corpses are coming near the children!
Sango: I understand!

Page 12:

Kana/Kanji version

Kid: 御霊丸さま!    
Goryoumaru: おまえたち。。。
Kid2: くらえ!  やった。。。 え。。。

Romanji version

Kid: Goryoumaru-sama!    
Goryoumaru: omae tachi..
Kid2: Kurae! Yatta... e...

My translation

Kid: Goryoumaru-sama!
Goryoumaru: You guys...
Kid2: Eat this!  I did it...   eh?...

Page 13:

Kana/Kanji version

Kagome: 御霊壺を撃っても無駄なのよ。     
Kid: で、 でも。。。
Kid2: 御霊丸さま。。。
Kagome: どうしたの?
Kid: 動けないんだ。
Kid2: つぼに光を入れたあとは、いつもこうなんだ。
Sango: かごめちゃん、子供たちを外に出さないで。
Kagome: う、うん。

Romanji version

Kagome: Goryou tsubo wo utte mo modana no yo.
Kid: De, demo...
Kid2: Goryoumaru-sama...
Kagome: Doushita?
Kid: Ugoke nainda.
Kid2: Tsubo ni hikari wo iretaata ha, itsumo kou nanda.
Sango: Kagome-chan, kodomo tachi wo soto ni dasanaide.
Kagome: u, un.

My translation

Kagome: Even if you fire the Goryou pots, it is useless!
Kid: b..but...
Kid2:  Goryoumaru-sama...
Kagome: What happened?
Kid: He's not moving.
Kid2: It is always this way after the light is put into the pots.
Sango: Kagome-chan, don't let the children come outside.
Kagome: ri..right.

Page 14:

Kana/Kanji version

Kagome: 顔が真っ青。。。本当に動けないんだわ。。。
Inuyasha: 出てこい神楽! 近くにいるのはわかってるんだ。
Kagura: てめえこそこの寺とどういう関わりだ、犬夜叉。

Romanji version

Kagome: Kao ga massao... hontouni ugoke nainda wa...
Inuyasha: Dete koi Kagura! Chikaku ni iru no ha wakatteru n da.
Kagura: Temee koso kono tera to douiu kakawari da, Inuyasha.

My translation

Kagome: His face is pale... He really can't move...
Inuyasha: Show yourself Kagura! I know you're near.
Kagura: What is YOUR connection to this temple Inuyasha?

Page 15:

Kana/Kanji version

Inuyasha: 神楽。。。 なんでこの寺襲う! 御霊丸は奈落の敵ってことか!?
Kagura: 御霊丸。。。? あの男のことか。 なんにしてもこの様子じゃ。。。 赤子を追ってきたってわけでもねえらしいな。
だったらこれ以上話しても無駄か。 どいてな!

Romanji version

Inuyasha: Kagura... nande kono tera osou! Goryoumaru ha Naraku no tekitte
koto ka!?
Kagura: Goryoumaru...? ano otoko no koto ka. Nani shite mo kono yousu-ja...
Akago wo otte kitatte wake demo nee rashii na. Dattera kore ijou hanashitemo
muda ka.  Doitena!

My translation

Inuyasha: Kagura... why are you attacking this temple? Do you mean that Goryoumaru is Naraku's enemey!?
Kagura: Goryoumaru...? Do you mean that man? Whatever he's doing, with this
appearance it appears like he didn't come to chase the child.* In that case
more of this conversation is useless, isn't it?  Move aside!

* This line was really difficult for me to translate so it may not be 'exactly'

Don't you just love how Kagura can be so long-winded (haha, a pun)?

Page 16:

Kana/Kanji version

Inuyasha: はっ! てめえ! 待ちやがれ!!
Kagura: バカなてめえが、のこのこ出てきてくれたおかげで、 いろいろやりやすくなったぜ!
Inuyasha: なっ。。。
Kagura: 家捜しさせてもらうぜ。

Romanji version

Inuyasha: ha(elonged a)!  Temee!  kichiya ga re!
Kagura: Bakana temee, nokonoko dete kite kureta okagede, iroiro yari yasuku natta ze!
Inuyasha: na(elgoned a)...
Kagura: ya sagashi sasete morau ze.

My translation

Inuyasha: haa! Why you! Wait!!
Kagura: Thanks to you idiot with no concern and who came running out, things have
become easier!
Inuyasha: Wha...
Kagura: I have to search around the building.


Once again, Kagura has me ready to strangle someone.  Her line (first one on
this page) doesn't sound right at all in English so I did have to take a few
minor liberties to make it coherent.  Even still, it could probably be
cleaned up a little more.  I'll leave it like this though.

Page 17:

Kana/Kanji version

Kagome: あ、あの。。。大丈夫。。。 ですか? え!? 四魂のかけらが。。。あつい!

Romanji version

Kagome: a, ano... daijoubu... desu ka? e!? Shikon no kakera ga... asui!

My translation

Kagome: u..umm.. are you all right?  eh!?  The Shikon fragment is... hot!

Page 18:

Kana/Kanji version

Kids: 御霊丸さま!
Goryoumaru: 力が戻ってくる。
Shippou: か、かごめ。。。
Kagome: 妖怪の腕が、四紺のかけらに反応してるんだわ。

Romanji version

Kids: Goryoumaru-sama!
Goryoumaru: Chikara ga... modotte kuru.
Shippou: Ka, Kagome...
Kagome: Youkai no ude ga, Shikon no kakera ni hannou shiterunda wa.

My translation

Kids: Goryoumaru-sama!
Goryoumaru: The power... is returning.
Shippou: Ka, Kagome...
Kagome: His Youkai's Arm is reacting to the Shikon fragment.

Youkai no Ude is Goryoumaru's special arm (literally it means Demon's arm)

Page 19:

Kana/Kanji version

Kagura: どきな!
Kagome: な、なんだ。 みんあさがって。

Romanji version

Kagura: Doki na!
Kagome: na, nanda.  Minna sakatte.

My translation

Kagura: Get out of my way!
Kagome: wha, what is it?  Everyone step back.

Page 20:

Kana/Kanji version

Kagome: 御霊丸!?

Romanji version

Kagome: Goryoumaru!?

My translation

Kagome: Goryoumaru!?

I wish to thank everyone for reading my first chapter translation ever.  I hope
that it's not -too- bad of a translation.

Categories: Inuyasha, Translations

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