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Infamous 2

ps3 review

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#1 Dead


    Drunken Pirate

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Posted 30 June 2011 - 05:27 AM

For those of us lucky enough to have the PS3, this year has been full of goodness. Exclusive content and console exclusives all around. Whee! So the latest console exclusive is the sequel to the well recieved Infamous, (herp-a-derp) Infamous 2. Does this game hold up to the original or fall flat? Find out NOW!!


I got the original Infamous on a whim one day, and enjoyed the ever loving crap out of it. Of course Im always a sucker for being evil in a game, so I had a load of fun running around electrifying any (and every) one who meandered into my path. Oh the story? You are Cole McGrath, a conduit; which in short is a sort of human evolution (kind of like mutants) who have the ability to have super powers given the correct set of circumstances. Say for instance, Spider man is a conduit since he got bit by a spider and got powers where as a normal person would have died or at least had a nasty spider bite. Get it now? good. So yeah cole wsa in a explosion set off by something called a ray sphere, and gained electrical powers. Yay for niftyness. From there you go on and can destroy everything or be the hero and try to save the city from the evils of Kessler and random gangs throughout Empire city.


Anyway, as Cole you are the protector of empire city, and you start out Infamous 2 fighting the foretold Beast (from the first game) to which you find out you aren't powerful enough to defeat so you run away beaten while the Beast wipes Empire city off the map. yay! You end up in New Marais (think New Orleans) and you pretty much start over again. You have the choice to be evil or good once more, and the game acutally recognizes your save from the first game so if you were 100% evil you can continue on that path in this one. (although it doesn't change the story much at all save for the end. )


Good: Nice involving story, Missions are quick and less tedious than the original. User Generated levels are a nice way to earn XP when you wanna gain that last power. Everything about the game moves faster and seems more polished. You actually care about the characters! Some nice unlockables. You retain most of your powers from the first game, plus get a slew of new awesome ones. None of which are useless.


Bad: A little too easy, if you played through the first, you go into the second expecting it to be harder but I had no trouble sailing through on Normal AND Hard difficulties. User Generated levels can be extremely stupid, and buggy, and in another language entirely. It is very frustrating to spend 30+ minutes on a User generated level and get to the end only to find you can't kill a certain enemy to complete the mission or have to explore the ENTIRE OPEN WORLD to find an objective. There are about 10 or 12 enemies throughout the whole game, and you will see them over and over and over and over, so they get a bit repetitive. Some clunky game mechanics.


What the?!: Probably the giant mouth monsters..


All in all this game was great. I've gone through the whole thing twice (once on good and once on bad) beat it on hard mode, Played countless user generated missions, and am veeeerrry close to obtaining all the trophies. This game is like crack, you pick it up and suddenly the day has gone by and you're wondering when the hell you started missing everything. Just as good as the first, better in a lot of ways. 9/10

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