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Splinter Cell: Conviction

xbox360 review tactical

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#1 ItsNotTheEd


    Giant Robot Pilot

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Posted 23 April 2010 - 09:54 AM

The latest in the Splinter Cell Series. Not the game you think it'd be. It looked fun, and I tried to play the other games in the series (I'd always get stuck or lose interest before finishing)


The Story: Sam Fisher finds out in his previous game that ... well, I never finished the last game. I did get a few missions into it, though. Here's what I know


Anyway, so he gets a phone call while he's at a restaurant, basically stating "I know where you are right now, and I know stuff about your daughter's killer". And with that, he unofficially un-retires from being Sam Fisher and sets out on a quest to find his daughters killer.


Gameplay: This isn't like any of the other Splinter Cell games I've partly played out of the series. Normally there's a bar that measures how visible you are, and how much noise you're making. This game, if you're screen goes black and white, you're invisible. It's pretty cool at first, but it quickly becomes annoying. Sneaking in this game is stupidly easy, as well. You don't have to crouch to sneak, you can just walk around and come up behind someone for a melee attack, and as long as your screen is black and white they'll never see you coming. And something about the game I didn't like was gun reliability. You used a gun throughout the whole game, which isn't the splinter cell feel to me. There's even a weapon upgrade system (also applies to gadgets). But once you put an upgrade on, you can't take it off. And you also can't put certain upgrades on certain guns. Some give you a scope, some a silencer. Which is stupid to me because a weapon that you can't put a silencer on doesnt need a 4x zoom scope. You shouldn't ever have to use a 4x scope.


-Gadgets: Instead of picking a limited load out (Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory) you started out with a few of everything you've unlocked at that point in the game.
Gadgets you get include:


Frag Grenades: Self Explanatory
Flashbang Grenades: Also self explanatory
EMP Grenades: Its a grenade that takes out lights and electronics for a short time. Fun as hell to mess with people
Portable EMP: same as above, only in backpack form.
Sticky Cameras: My personal favorite. A remote controlled camera that makes a noise and gathers the attention of people around it, and then explodes on command.
Remote Mines: You throw them, push a button, make boom.
And I think that's pretty much it.
Oh, and the famous Splinter Cell Goggles. Thermal, Night, and whatever the blue one was called. It picked up electrical currents.



Co-op Modes: This is the best part of the game in my opinion. Of course, there's only one person on my X Box Live friend's list that plays this game, but we have a good time... for a while. Then it just gets kind of repetitive.
It comes with four modes: Story, Hunter (eliminate enemies), last stand (i think that's what it's called. eliminate waves of enemies while protecting a bomb), and Face Off (eliminate enemies while trying to eliminate the other player)


Review: The controls are a little buggy. Some of the buttons are used for things I'm not normally used to doing (i.e. to reload your gun, you push down the left thumbstick). And the universal "A button does everything" gets annoying and irritating.


And the co-op is fun, but a little bland, but over all the single player has a really good story that would have been even better if I would have finished Splinter Cell: Double Agent. Overall, I'd give it a 3.75/5. More of a rental game, instead of a buy.

REBEL AGAINST THE IYOUBOUSHI!! Even though this forum is new, I still stand firmly by my beliefs! He is out to get us! OUT TO GET US ALL!!

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