Trigun: Badlands Rumble is an animated movie based on the Trigun series that was originally based on a manga by the same title. If you’ve never seen Trigun, well, why are you reading this review? Seriously. Go watch it. It’s a series that’s set on a desert planet (named Gunsmoke) and is a bit like the old west. It’s main focus is on a man named Vash the Stampede, who has a $$60 billion reward on his head and is nicknamed “The Humanoid Typhoon” for the complete eradication of a town. It turns out, though, that Vash is not as devious as the most wanted posters would have you believe. The series is full of comedy and action and will definitely keep you hooked until the end.
With that said, the original animated series ran in 1998 for 26 episodes. Most of us that watched and loved Trigun were begging for more. Then we heard rumors that a Trigun movie was going to be made. So we were excited. And we waited, and waited. But no news came. Slowly we forgot all about Trigun’s movie and the series itself sort of slipped into the back of our minds as something we enjoyed but it was time to move on. Until 2010.
BAM! The Trigun movie, Badlands Rumble, came out of NOWHERE! Lord knows I didn’t know anything about it until I saw a news article for it being released on DVD/Blu-ray in Japan. But there it is. Turns out it was released in theaters (in Japan) on April of 2010 and on DVD/Blu-Ray on December 15. FUNimation has gotten the rights to dub and release it here in the States, so if you’re not keen on the Japanese version just hang in there a bit longer and perhaps you’ll see it too.
Now then, with the basic intro of it all, let’s get right down to the review. Was it good? Bad? Did it keep with how Trigun was in `98?