Bleach 654 spoilers are out but the chapter isn’t up yet. :lolkubo: incoming. I’ve translated some of the spoilers here for anyone who’s interested.
Bleach 654 spoilers are out but the chapter isn’t up yet. :lolkubo: incoming. I’ve translated some of the spoilers here for anyone who’s interested.
Kubo has made an official announcement on twitter:
Basically he’s saying that tomorrow (24 hours from when he posted this, 17 hours ago as I write this) he’ll be removing his Twitter account. In an earlier tweet he posted that he doesn’t really know what to use Twitter for any more so he’s just going to get rid of it. Lulz.
Kubo Tite said: 今日はジャンクフード欲を満たす為だけにカラオケ行ってきた。
“I only went to karaoke to satisfy my junk food craving.”
Oookay then! That was.. informative. Hey, no one said these tweets would be gold.
Kubo Tite said ヒューマンビーンズの世界(笑)。
“The World of Human Beans (lol)”
Kubo retweeted this from someone else on Twitter and then was just laughing at it:
Gotta love bad fansubs lol.
It has been over a year since I last did a full chapter translation of Bleach. I figured I should probably remedy that. I picked chapter 423 because it could have worked as a real ending to Bleach. Plus the ending is kind of touching. I know there’s several chapters out past this but I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to them. Anyway, enjoy!
Well I’m up a little late tonight and the Japanese spoilers for chapter 429 just came out. Thought I’d take a crack at it out of boredom. So if you want a first glimpse at the spoilers, continue reading. If not, ignore this post.
Kubo Tite said: なぜかモウリーニョのbotにフォローされとる…。 RT @Mourinho_bot: @tite_kubo Bonjour
“Why am I being followed by Mourinho bot? RT @Mourinho_bot: @tite_kubo Bonjour”
(Or you could read it as: “for some reason I’m being followed by Mourinho bot.” But I prefer the former.)
The only bots I ever get following me on Twitter are porn bots. :(
Some more Kubo tweets! Since all of these tweets are pretty much related I thought I’d post them all here in one post. Also, as a reminder, I still consider myself a beginner in Japanese. If anyone out there ever reads these and goes “heeeey! That’s not right!” please don’t be afraid to tell me. You can always contact me or just leave it as a comment. I won’t take offense and would actually be quite grateful for the corrections.
With that said, here we go!
It’s CRAaAaAaZyYyY Thursday! Have another translated Tweet also by Kubo.
Kubo Tite said: Akinatorで、自分の名前を出してみようとやってみたら、最後の質問が「Twitterをやってる? 」だった。Akinatorこわい。
“I decided to try to find my name on Akinator. The final question was ‘Does he use Twitter?’ Akinator is scary!”
Here’s Akinator if you’d like to try. And yeah, Kubo is on there but when I tried it didn’t ask me if he used Twitter.
I feel compelled to add that for every one Kubo tweet I translate there’s probably ten more that I don’t. The man is freakin addicted to the thing. It’s a wonder he ever gets any pages of Bleach done with all the time he spends tweeting. So it’s not as surprising to me that Akinator associated him with Twitter as it did him.
Sorry about the long delay inbetween Tweet translations. I’ve been pretty busy as of late and just haven’t had a chance to sit down and do any. Well, I plan on fixing that right now. So let’s pull a random tweet from our dear Kubo Tite and see what we get..
Kubo Tite said: トッピングガールズ?? RT @natsume00000000: @tite_kubo 11月23日にはトッピングガールズの復活ライブがあるそうですよ☆
“Topping Girls?? RT @natsume00000000: @tite_kubo November 23 will be the live revival(come-back) performance of Topping Girls.”
I’m with Kubo. Topping Girls!?
Version 4.0 has been in development for almost three full years but it’s finally ready to be officially released. As you can imagine it’s full of additions, changes and fixes. Look after the jump for the changelog and the download link. Moving forward I am not sure if I’ll continue to post “full versions” here […]
It took over a year but it’s finally here! Battle Arena 3.2 is done and is now available for download. As usual it’s chalk full of additions, changes and fixes — most of which will be listed after the jump. Hope everyone has happy holidays. See you in 2017.
It’s been nine long months and Battle Arena has undergone a lot of various new additions, changes and fixes. The final release of version 3.2 is drawing closer but still has a little ways to go. As it stands today, here’s some of the main highlights: ADDITIONS: Added the Supply Run type battle. In […]
Chapter 666 – EMPTY HALL OF THE PUPPET TEMPLE [Unix] [MangaStream] The chapter was released a day earlier than usual! Woohoo! Though, was it really a chapter to get excited over? Click the read more and see the summary and some thoughts (as usual).