It has been over a year since I last did a full chapter translation of Bleach. I figured I should probably remedy that. I picked chapter 423 because it could have worked as a real ending to Bleach. Plus the ending is kind of touching. I know there’s several chapters out past this but I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to them. Anyway, enjoy!
Bleach ch423 Translations by James "Iyouboushi" (Iyouboushi(at) Note about my translations: I'm a beginner. Some of my translations may not be very accurate. In any case, I have done my best. I highly recommend checking out Ju-Ni's release of this chapter when it has come out. PAGE 01 Central 46 guy: 判決を 言い渡アす!! I will now say the judgement! Sidebar: ここは!? This place is..!? Central 46 guy: 元・五番隊隊長藍染惣右介 Former 5th captain Aizen Souske 地下監獄最下層第ハ監獄”無間”にて 1万8800念の投獄刑に処す!! You are sentenced to 18,800 years in "Mugen" -- the 8th and lowest level of the underground prison. PAGE 02 Aizen: 成程 I see 君達如きがこの私に”本決”か I am to receive judgement from you all? 聊か 滑稽に移るな That seems somewhat comical Central 46 #22: ぬぐう・・・・・・・・ッ Nuguuu!!! PAGE 03 Central 46 guy: 大逆人めが!! 不死であるからと 図にのりおって!! Treacherous dog! Don't act so smug just because you're immortal! さつさと眼と口にも拘束をかけろ!! Bind his eyes and mouth!! 刑を2万年に引き上げろ!! And increase the punishment to 20,000 years! BLEACH 423 PAGE 04 Yamamoto: ぶわっかもん!!!! You fools!!! 隊長羽織織を無くしたじゃと!? 破れたならともかく無くしたとは何事じゃ!! You lost your captain's haoris!? It's not so bad to tear them, but to lose them!? それでよくおぬしら平気な顔をしておるな!! 心配になるわい!! And to stand there with such unconcern!! That really worries me! PAGE 05 Byakuya: ・・・総隊長 ..Captain Commander 心配めされるな 安物の羽織程度私が立て替えておく故・・・ Do not worry. Haoris are cheap. I will pay to replace them. Yamamoto: そういう心配をしとるんじゃないわ! That's not what I'm concerned about. それに安物でもないわ馬鹿者!! They're not cheap, you fool! よいか!! Listen up! 戦いというものは勝てば良いと言うものでは無い!! Winning is not all there is to battles! おぬしらは一体隊長羽織を何じゃと思うとるんじゃ!! What do you all think a captain's haori is? Kenpachi: 邪魔 A hinderance Byakuya: 安物 Cheap clothing Shunsui: お洒落? Stylish? PAGE 06 Yamamoto: 馬鹿もん共がっ!!! You idiots!!! Sentaro Kotsubaki: お元気そうっすね総隊長 The captain commander seems to be doing well. Ukitake: ああ Yeah 戦いから十日か・・・ It's been ten days since the battle.. 左腕は失くされたが体力は戻られたようで安心したよ Even though he lost his left arm, I'm relieved to say his strength has returned. あの人の代わりをつとめられる死神はまだ尸魂界にはいないからね・・・ Since there's still no one in Soul Society that could replace him PAGE 07 Science Guy: 隊長-------! Caaaaaaaaptaaaaaaain! 涅隊長どちらですか-----!! Where are you captain Kurotsuchi? Science Guy 2: 隊長ならいねえぞ The captain isn't here 研究だとかで虚圏だ He's in Hueco Mundo doing research Science Guy 1: ええツ!? Ehhh!? まだですか!? 参ったなあ・・・ Again!? I give up.. 今臓器回復で雛森副隊長が十二番隊に預けられてるじゃないですか Vice captain Hinamori is currently here for organ restoration, right? そのお見舞いに松本副隊長が来られてるんですが・・・ vice captain Matsumoto has come to visit her, but.. Science Guy 2: 仕方無えな俺から説明してやる I'll explain it to her スイマセン松本副隊長-------- excuse me, vice captain Matsumoto----- ・・・いねえじゃねえか ..she's not here? Science Guy 1: あれ!? Huh!? PAGE 08 Hitsugaya: はっ Haa はっ Haa はっ Haa はっ Haa このままじゃダメだ I'm no good as I am このままじゃ・・・ As it stands.. PAGE 09 このままじゃ俺は・・ As it is... いつまで経っても雛森を護れねえ・・・・! No matter how much time passes I won't be able to protect Hinamori 卍解を 氷輪丸を Bankai, Hyourinmaru もつと自在に扱えるようにならなきゃいけねえ------! I have to better learn to control them----! Matsumoto: 前に進んでる---- Everyone's moving on---- PAGE 10 Matsumoto: 修兵も恋次も隊舎には居なかった Neither Shuuhei or Renji were in their squad's quarters きつと今頃どこかで力を磨いてる They're probably off training あたしも--------・・・ And I'm moving on too-----... 消えてしまうのに形見の一つも残してくれない You disappeared and didn't leave me anything to remember you by あんたの そういう処が嫌いだった I hate that about you だけど However もしもあんたが形見を残していたら if you had left me a memento あたしはきっとそこからいつまでだって動けずにいたわ I would have certainly been stuck in that spot あんたはきっと You certainly あたしのそういう処も見抜いていたのね knew that about me PAGE 11 Matsumoto: ありがとうギン Thank you, Gin あたしはあんたのそういう処が 好きだったんだわ I've always loved that part about you PAGE 12 Orihime: あ!! Ahh!! PAGE 13 Orihime: 黒崎くん!! Kurosaki-kun!! Ichigo: え? あれ? ここ・・俺ん家か? Eh? HuH? This house? Rukia: ・・・ああ ..Yeah.. 貴様はあれから一月近くも眠っておったのだ・・・ You've been asleep for almost a month Orihime: みんなおちついてる・・・ あたし1人大きな声出してはずかしい・・ Everyone's so calm.. I'm the only one who shouted out.. how embarassing. Ichigo: ・・・一月・・・ ...a month... ! そうだ! 俺のチカラは・・・ ! That's right! My power.. Rukia: ・・・一護 ...Ichigo PAGE 14 Rukia: 浦原から聞いた Urahara told us 貴様は・・・ 死神の力を失ったそうだな You've..lost your Shinigami powers Ichigo: ・・・そうか 聞いたのか ..I see. So you heard huh? どうもそうらしい ぜ死神代行も返上しねえとな Seems like it. Guess I'll have to give up being a Shinigami substitute. Rukia: ・・・消失の第一段階では激痛を伴い意識を失い断界の中で肉体に起きた時間軽過が逆流する ..the first stage is intense pain followed by the loss of consciousness. Then the flow of time you experienced in the Dangai is reversed. 髪が短くなっておるだろう それは我々が切った訳ではないぞ Your hair is short right? We didn't cut it. その時点で死神の力を失い At that point you have lost your Shinigami powers. 第二段階で残った霊圧が安定して目を覚まし---- In the second stage your reiatsu becomes stable and you wake up--- PAGE 15 Rukia: 程無く Not long after 残る全ての霊力も消えてゆく--------- Your remaining spirital power will disappear--- Ichigo: ・・・そうか やっぱりな ...I see. I thought so. Rukia: ・・・お・・ ..Ah? 驚かぬのか・・・? You're not surprised..? Ichigo: ・・・いや ..Nope. 何となくな そんな気がしてたんだ Somehow I just had that feeling ・・外に出ていいか? ..can we go outside? PAGE 16 Ichigo: 霊の気配を感じない I can't sense any spirits PAGE 17 Ichigo: ルキアの気配も Rukia's presence is also 少しずつ薄れていってる fading little by little 本当に It's true 俺の力は消えるんだな My power is fading Rukia: -------お別れだ ------This is farewell 一護 Ichigo Ichigo: ・・・そうみてえだな ...Seems like it Rukia: 何だ そう淋しそうな顔をするな What? Don't look so lonely. 貴様に私が見えなくなっても私からは貴様が見えているのだぞ Even if you can't see me, I can still see you Ichigo: 何だそれ全然嬉しくねーよ What? That's nothing to be happy about あと淋しそうなかおもしてねえ! And I don't look lonely! PAGE 18 Ichigo: ・・・みんなに よろしく伝えといてくれ ...Give everyone my regards Rukia: ・・・ああ ...sure Ichigo: -----じゃあな ルキア ----See ya later, Rukia PAGE 19 Ichigo: ありがとう Thank you