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Iyouboushi On September - 26 - 2006

犬夜叉 v36 – ch350
Translations by James “Iyouboushi” (Iyouboushi(AT)gmail.com)

Note about my translations:
If you haven’t been following my translations on the website (or even if you
have) you’ll notice one thing: they are all probably a little awkward because
I try to stick to as literal as possible (for practice). It’s become somewhat
of a saying I have now in that it’s always easy to change translations around
to make them sound better but getting the literal is the hardest part.

Title: 神楽の命 (Kagura no Inochi -- Kagura's Life)

Page 22:

Kana/Kanji version

Inuyasha: くっ。  神楽のやつなに考えてる!?

Romanji version

Inuyasha: Ku(elonged u).  Kagura no yatsu nani kangaeteru!?

My Translation

Inuyasha: Gah.  What is Kagura thinking!?

Page 23:

Kana/Kanji version

Goryoumaru: 動くな。。。
Kagome: な。。。なにを。。。

Romanji version

Goryoumaru: ugokuna...
Kagome: na...nani wo...

My Translation

Goryoumaru: Don't move...
Kagome: wha...what?

Page 24:

Kana/Kanji version

Kagome: 神楽!!
Kagura: この寺のどこかに奈落の赤子が隠れているなら。。。

Romanji version

Kagome: Kagura!!
Kagura: Kono tera no doko ka ni Naraku no akago ga kakurete iru nara...

My Translation

Kagome: Kagura!!
Kagura: If this temple is where Naraku's child is hiding, then...

Page 25:

Kana/Kanji version

Kagura: この結晶の妖気が。。。 消えた!

Romanji version

Kagura: Kono kesshou no youki ga...   Kieta!

My Translation

Kagura: this crystal's youki will... it vanished!


Kesshou no Youki is "the crystal's youki."   It's not the name of the crystal
this time ("youki no kesshou") and is referring to the aura that surrounds
the crystal.

Page 26:
There is no dialog on this page, just everyone in shock at what happened
to Kagura.

Page 27:

Kana/Kanji version

Kagura: くっ。  くたばってたまるか!
Inuyasha: 。。。。。。 御霊丸が。。。 撃ったのか。
Kagome: 犬夜叉。 
Inuyasha: かごめ。。。
Kagome: 神楽は。。。

Romanji version

Kagura: ku(elonged u). Kutabatte tamaru ka!
Inuyasha: ...... Goryoumaru ga.... utta no ka.
Kagome: Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: Kagome...
Kagome: Kagura ha...

My Translation

Kagura: Gah. I'm not going to die!
Inuyasha: ...... Goryoumaru is.... the one who attacked? 
Kagome: Inuyasha. 
Inuyasha: Kagome...
Kagome: Kagura is...

Page 28:

Kana/Kanji version

Goryoumaru: 私の光に貫かれて、死なぬ妖怪はいない。
Kid #1: よかった御霊丸さま。
Kid #2: 力が戻ったんだな。
Goryoumaru: ああ。。。 おまえたちも無事でよかった。
Kagome: 御霊丸は神楽の妖怪から私を守ってくれたの。。。? だけど。。。 あの時のあの目つき。。。 あのいやな感じ。。。 前に。。。 
Goryoumaru: 夜が明けた。 妖怪どもも去った。

Romanji version

Goryoumaru: Watashi no hikari ni tsuranukarete, shinanu youkai ha inai.
Kid #1: Yokatta Goryoumaru-sama.
Kid #2: Chikara ga modottanda na.
Goryoumaru: aa... omae tachimo bujide yokatta.
Kagome: Goryoumaru ha Kagura no youkai kara watashi wo mamotte kureta no...?
Dakedo.... ano toki no ano metsuki... ano iya na kanji... mae ni... dokoka de...
Goryoumaru: Yo ga aketa.  Yokai domo mo satta.

My Translation

Goryoumaru: Being penetrated by my light, the youkai that did not die are gone.
Kid #1: Thank goodness, Goryoumaru-sama.
Kid #2: Your strength has returned hasn't it.
Goryoumaru: yes... I'm glad you guys are safe.
Kagome: Goryoumaru had protected me from Kagura's youkai...?  But.... that look
in his eyes at that time... that unpleasant feeling... before... somewhere
Goryoumaru: Night has become day. The youkai have went away.

I'm not 100% sure on Goryoumaru's first line here.  I've done the best of my
ability, but you readers out there have to remember that I'm still learning/
a beginner. I won't always get everything right.

I'll add that this has been the hardest page I've ever translated thus far.

Page 29:

Kana/Kanji version

Goryoumaru: もうこの寺に用はないだろう。 出て行ってもらおう。
Inuyasha: ......
Miroku: 犬夜叉退散しよう。
Shippou: 神楽は。。。死んだんじゃろか。
Kagome: ......
Sango: 胸に穴が開いてたからね。。。
Miroku: 御霊丸は。。。 奈落の一味ではないかと疑っていたが。
Sango: 身内の神楽を殺すわけがない。。。か。
Miroku: ああ、 敵である我々ですら何度か関わるうちに、命まで取る気はうせていたのにな。

Romanji version

Goryoumaru: mou kono tera ni you ha nai darou. deteitte moraou.
Inuyasha: ......
Miroku: Inuyasha, taisan shiyou.
Shippou: Kagura ha... shinda n-jaro ka.
Kagome: ......
Sango: mune ni ana ga aiteta kara ne...
Miroku: Goryoumaru ha... Naraku no ichimi de ha nai ka to utagatte ita ga.
Sango: miuchi no Kagura wo korosu wake ga nai...ka.
Miroku: aa, teki de aru wareware de sura nandoka kakawaru uchi ni, inochi
made toru ki ha usete ita noni na.

My Translation

Goryoumaru: Seems you have no more use for this temple.  I want you to go out.
Inuyasha: ......
Miroku: Inuyasha, let's leave.
Shippou: Kagura... is it possible she is dead?
Kagome: ......
Sango: A hole in her chest opened, right?
Miroku: I suspected that Goryoumaru was not in Naraku's group.
Sango: There is no reason why he would kill Kagura.
Miroku: yeah, in spite of us being rivals who fought many times, the desire to
take her life vanished.*

Miroku's last line has to be one of the most confusing lines I've ever had
to translate at this point.  I translated it as good as I can then touched
it up, because the "literal" I had down would have made no sense as it was.
To make it a little more clear:  he's saying that even though they fought
a lot, they (Inu-and-friends) had no desire to kill Kagura.

Page 30:

Kana/Kanji version

Kagome: 御霊丸は神楽を。。。なんのためらいもなく撃ったわ。
Inuyasha: おれはむしろ。。。 それがひっかかる。
Miroku: 犬夜叉。。。
Inuyasha: 神楽の命なんて、奈落にとっちやどうでもいいんじゃねえか? 使えるから生かしてるだけで。
Shippou: では神楽は、もう用済みになったのか?
Inuyasha: さあな。 だが、おれたちの疑いをそらすために神楽を消すくらい、奈落ならやりかねねえってことだ。

Romanji version

Kagome: Goryoumaru ha Kagura wo...nan no tame raimonaku utta wa.
Inuyasha: ore ha mushiro... sore ga hikkakaru.
Miroku: Inuyasha...
Inuyasha: Kagura no inochi nante, Naraku ni tocchi ya doudemo ii n-ja nee ka?
tsukaeru kara ikashite-ru dake de.
Shippou: dewa Kagura ha, mou youzumi ni natta no ka?
Inuyasha: saa na.  daga, ore tachi no utagai wo sorasu tame ni Kagura wo kesu kurai,
Naraku nara yari ka neneette koto da.

My Translation

Kagome: Goryoumaru attacked Kagura without any hesitation.
Inuyasha: I am rather... puzzled by that.*
Miroku: Inuyasha...
Inuyasha: To Naraku, what good is Kagura's life right? He lets her live
because he is manipulating her.
Shippou: So Kagura is already finished being useful?
Inuyasha: Who knows?  However, for the sake of removing our suspicion, Naraku
might have had a reason to do away with Kagura.


More confusing dialog (weak cheer).  This time it's all Inuyasha. All of his
lines required a lot of "cleaning" to make them coherent.  In doing so, I'm
not sure if I captured the literal intent.  In fact, I may not be 100% sure
on what the literal is.

Page 31:

Kana/Kanji version

Jaken: どうなさいました、殺生丸さま。。。

Romanji version

Jaken: dou nasai mashita, Sesshoumaru-sama...

My Translation

Jaken: Is something wrong, Sesshoumaru-sama?


Mashita is used to change verbs to their past polite form.

Page 32:

Kana/Kanji version

Jaken: ん!? 神楽。。。 
Rin: なんか様子が変だよ。
Jaken: いかがいたします? 殺生丸さま。
Sesshoumaru: 。。。。。。 ほうっておけ。 行くぞ。

Romanji version

Jaken: n!? Kagura...
Rin: nanka yousu ga honda yo.
Jaken: ikaga itashimasu? Sesshoumaru-sama.
Sesshoumaru: ...... houtteoke.  Ikuzo.

My Translation

Jaken: Hm!? Kagura...
Rin: what a strange appearance.
Jaken: What should we do?  Sesshoumaru-sama.
Sesshoumaru: ....... Ignore it.  Let's go.

Rin's line could have been cleaned up a little to say something more like
"She looks weird" or "Her appearance is weird looking."

Page 33:

Kana/Kanji version

Jaken: ってこらっ、りんっ。
Rin: 流されちゃう。 えいっ。 うわっ。
Jaken: ったく、つかまれバか者。 
Rin: げほげほげこ。
Jaken: あ~~っ。
Rin: げーぼげぼげぼげぼっ。
Sesshoumaru: 。。。。。。

Romanji version

Jaken: tte koraaa, Rinnn.
Rin: nagasarechau. eiii. uwaaa.
Jaken: ttaku, tsukamare baka mono.
Rin: geho geho geho.
Jaken: A~~AAA
Rin: ge--ho geho geho gehooo.
Sesshoumaru: ......

My Translation

Jaken: Heeeeey, Rinnn!
Rin: she's floating away. Eiii.  UWAAA!
Jaken: Seesh, hold onto this you fool.
Rin: cough. cough. cough.
Jaken: A~~AAAA!
Rin: gasp.  cough cough cough.
Sesshoumaru: ......

in the Romanji version, instead of writing out "(elonged )" I've decided
to just write it out by repeating the last letter two extra times.

Page 34:

Kana/Kanji version

Jaken: こやつ。。。 こんな姿でここまで飛んできたのか。。。しかしこりゃもうダメだな。
Rin: 死んじゃったの。。。?
Jaken: ん!?

Romanji version

Jaken: koyatsu... konna sugata de koko made tonde kita no ka. shikashi korya mou
dame da na.
Rin: shinjatta no...?
Jaken: n!?

My Translation

Jaken: this woman... flew as far as here in this shape? However, this is already
Rin: Is she not dead?
Jaken: Huh!?

Page 35:

Kana/Kanji version

Jaken: き、傷口が。。。
Rin: ふさがっていく。。。
Kagura: う。。。 。。。。。。 死んで。。。 ねえ。。。 ふっ。。。 ざまあみやがれ。。。 皮肉だな。。。 奈落に心臓握られて

Romanji version

Jaken: ki, kizuguchi ga...
Rin: fusagatte iku...
Kagura: u... ...... shinde... nee... fuuu... zamaamiyagare... hiniku da na...
Naraku ni shinzou nigirarete itaseide, inochibiroi shitatte wake ka...

My Translation

Jaken: th...the wound is...
Rin: sealing up...
Kagura: un... ..... I'm... not dead... heh... it serves you right... it's ironic...
Because Naraku holds my heart, it means I narrowly escaped from death?


Leave it to Kagura to always confuse me.  Anyway, I'm not entirely sure on
her last line.  I think it's pretty close though.

Page 36:

Kana/Kanji version

Rin: あの。。。大丈夫?
Kagura: おまえら。。。
Rin: 殺生丸さまが助けてくれたんだよ。 
Jaken: ついでにな。
Kagura: ...... へえ。。。 あんたにも情けってもんがあったのかい。
Jaken: おのれはっ。 礼のひとつも言ったらどうだっ。
Sesshoumaru: 行くぞ邪見、りん。
Jaken: あ、はいっ。

Romanji version

Rin: ano... daijobu?
Kagura: omaera...
Rin: Sesshoumaru-sama ga tasukete kureta n-da yo.
Jaken: tsuide ni na.
Kagura: ...... hee... anta ni mo nasakette mon ga atta no kai.
Jaken: onore waaa. rei no hitosu mo iuttara dou daaa.
Sesshoumaru: Ikuzo Jaken, Rin.
Jaken: a, haiii.

My Translation

Rin: um... are you okay?
Kagura: you all...
Rin: Sesshoumaru-sama has saved you.
Jaken: incidentally.
Kagura: ...... hmm... so there is sympathy even in you.*
Jaken: WHY YOU! How about saying one expression of gratitude?
Sesshoumaru: Let's go Jaken, Rin.
Jaken: ah, yes!


* Kagura is saying this sarcasticly/used as an insult to him.

Page 37:

Kana/Kanji version

Kagura: 待ちな。 なにがあったか聞きもしねえのか。
Sesshoumaru: きさまの身の上話になど興味はない。
Kagura: 奈落の心臓をみつけたといってもか!?

Romanji version

Kagura: machi na. nani ga atta ka kiki mo shinee no ka.
Sesshoumaru: kisama no minoue banashi ni nado kyoumi wa nai.
Kagura: Naraku no shinzou o mitsuketa to itte mo ka!?

My Translation

Kagura: wait.  Are you going to hear what it was I nearly died for?*
Sesshoumaru: I have no interest in your personal story and the like.*
Kagura: Even with saying that I've located Naraku's heart?

* I had to take a few liberties with Kagura's line here (seems like I have
to take more and more as I go on, doesn't it?).

* Sesshoumaru literally says "I have no interest in your personal history
story and the like."  I just shortened it a little bit because "personal
history story" sounds a little redundant.

Page 38:

Kana/Kanji version

Hakudoushi: 奈落。。。 気づいているんだろう。 神楽は裏者だ。 なぜ生かしておく。
Naraku: みろ白童子。 これは神楽の心臓だ。 今握りつぶしてもいい。 だが。。。 神楽には。。。 最後にもうひと働きさせてやろう。

Romanji version

Hakudoushi: Naraku... kiduite iru n darou. Kagura wa uragirimono da. naze
ikashite oku.
Naraku: miro Hakudoushi. kore wa Kagura no shinzou da. ima nigiri tsubushitemo ii.
daga... Kagura ni wa... saigo ni mou hito hataraki sasete yarou.

My Translation

Hakudoushi: Naraku... as you are probably aware.  Kagura is a traitor.
Why do you intentionally let her live?
Naraku: look, Hakudoushi.  This is Kagura's heart. It is possible to
crush it now with my hands.  However.... There is one last job I'll have Kagura do.

And so ends my second chapter.  It sure was an exciting chapter this time,
wasn't it? 

Categories: Inuyasha, Translations

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