Another quick update to the program. I forgot to mention version 1.1 here, so I’ll go ahead and mention what it does in addition to version 1.2.
version 1.1
I went back and edited the commands to make them channel only (you can only use them in channels). I also changed the way !character lookup works, slightly.
The new command for it is:
!character lookup (character name) [(info, jobs, crafts, all)]
If you don’t use any of the parameters after the character’s name, it will display all the information about that character (info, jobs and crafts). Else you can specify what you want to know. There’s also !character info and !check character that work exactly the same way.
You can now link multiple nicks to one character. This is handy if you use multiple nicks on IRC (like a few of my LS mates) and would like to be able to update your character with any of them.
version 1.2
The new command for it is:
!link (check, add, remove) (char name) [(nick to add/remove)]
!link check (character) will display all the nicks that are currently linked to that character.
[01:30] Iyouboushi> !link check Iyouboushi
[01:30] Moogle> [Names linked to Iyouboushi: Iyouboushi, Kiisuke]
You can add as many nicks as you want (or at least as many as mIRC will still process) but you must have at least 1 linked to the character. Oh and I also made sure Goldsmithing was showing up on the list (previously it wasn’t).
The only thing that I really have left for a future version is a search command. Well, and maybe adding in some of the other skills (combat, magic, etc). Otherwise, I think I’m finished with it. :)