Breezieana and I just got back from seeing Insidious 2. We plan on filming a long review about it but just as a quick blurb I thought I’d come by and write that I enjoyed it. I thought it was a fairly decent follow up to the first film. Obviously I feel the first film is the best but this one had an interesting twist and gave a lot of backstory. I enjoyed seeing some of the stuff that was mentioned in the first film in a flashback.
Scare-wise though, this film didn’t really deliver. I didn’t jump at all in this film. It didn’t bother me psychologically. If anything, it seemed rather average in that department. Having said that, the story was what drove the film not the boo’s and ahh’s!
If you liked Insidious 1, you will more than likely enjoy Insidious 2. I would suggest checking it out.
And as I said, Breezieana and I will do a much longer review in the future that I will come post here for everyone to see.