Out of boredom I have decided to start translating various tweets by the creator of Bleach, Kubo Tite. Why? Well, for one tweets from Twitter are typically pretty short. So it won’t take me hours like a manga chapter does. And well, why not? Who knows what we might learn from Kubo.
So let’s get started with a tweet that KuroMa of #Kyoto wanted translated last night.
Kubo Tite said: で、前にブラジルでBLEACHの翻訳してる人から挨拶してもらったんだけど、その人の名前を忘れてしまっ た。見てたらもっかい声掛けてください。
“I received a greeting from the person who was doing BLEACH translations in Brazil. But, oh no, I forgot the name of the person. I look forward to hearing from him again.” (could also be something more like “please write to me again” at the end)
I may not be 100% accurate with this (especially the very last line), but I think that’s the main gist.
I do not know if it was an official, legal, translator that contacted him or if it was a scanlator. He doesn’t say, and there’s no way of telling just from this.