Work continues on the movie!
I have filmed the final live action scene to appear in the movie. The acting is so bad that it should be funny to see. I would do takes over and over to try and get the acting better but keep in mind that this movie is not meant to be taken all that seriously. It’s supposed to be cheesy. And besides, most gamers aren’t actors to begin with.
With that in mind, I can’t show any pictures from the final scene. Sorry. Instead I will show a picture of a “place holder” I’ve been using to hold places in the film until I’m ready for them.
The entire movie has been structured and all of the title cards have been finished. The opening and credits are also both done. I have a little bit of live action left to shoot and then quite a bit of post-production to do with editing and, hopefully, movie layering. The latter scares me as I’ve never done anything like this before and hope that I CAN do it. If not, I might have to rethink an entire portion of the film.
But I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.