Hey everyone! This is just a quick post to say that I’ve gotten around to updating my C# Chatterbot, Kon, and posted the updates to the SVN I set up for it.
This update fixes Twitter so that it works again (due to Twitter changing their API a little), adds a !haiku command (which works..okay but not great) and changed the “Answer Search” code slightly so that it tries to find more than one answer to the same line. This may or may not help/improve anything.
The bot is occasionally unstable though. I seriously need help in recoding the entire thing. I just don’t know who can help me do it though lol. No one on my message board knows C# and I imagine it’s going to require a lot of work to fix up as I’m sort of learning as I go here.
If anyone sees this and is interested please e-mail me (iyouboushi (at) gmail dot com)